Saturday, May 26, 2012

How Do I Make a Living Without a Job: Trading Currencies

Your parents told you, when you were just a kid, that hard work was the road to success. But why is this world filled with people that get so much with the minimum effort? Is there a better way?

You don't have to sweat a lot to achieve great things; you need to be smart. Here is a secret you will fall in love with. When you trade currencies, for a living, the less you work the more money you will make. Traders with the biggest gains only trade once a day, and sometimes once a week.
Here are some points I want you to think about...

1st.- Don't work for money; make your money work for you.

If you work for money your earnings will always be restricted by the amount of labor you can realize, no matter how big your paycheck is. On the other hand, if you make your money work hard your income potential has no limit. You will have earnings while you are sleeping or on a vacation.

2nd.- You don't need a lot of money to get involved in the Forex market.

I know what you are thinking: "Rich people can make their money work for them, but what about the rest of us?" You don't need to be Bill Gates to trade the Forex market. One of the main advantages of currency trading is the minimal capital needed to open and fund your account. You might be able to start trading with only $10 dollars.


You should never underestimate the power of compound interest when making your investing decisions. Small gains tend to add up very quickly. If you invest your money in a responsible disciplined manner in no time you are going to have a small fortune.

3rd.- You can't think of the Forex market as a 9:00 to 5:00 job

When you go to a regular job you need to do some things during the day, you need to get busy. On the other hand, the currency market has its own timing. You should only take positions when there is profit to be made.You can't think of the currency market as a regular 9:00 to 5:00 job, or you will lose. Being in front of the computer won't influence the market moves, it will only induce you to over-trade. I know it sounds crazy but, when trading, you should work hard on your ability to do nothing, it is the difference between profit and loss.

4th.- You can automate your trades.

One of the beauties of currency trading is that you can manage your trades in 30min or less. You set your trades with their stop-loss orders and profit targets, then turn off your computer and go do something else. Most part of the trading process can be automated.

After all the market doesn't move just because you watch it, remember it has its own timing.

The currency market gives me not only the money to sustain myself, but the time to enjoy my life. I don't consider it a job because it only takes me 30 minutes once a week to manage my trades. Some other very profitable systems can be traded checking your positions once a day.

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